When you do your duty as a working man/woman you need to treat yourself with something decent when you retire eventually. People are different and preferences are different as well, but what most tend to treat themselves with when they retire is a nice place to live.
Most of you were stuck to big cities and demanding jobs that took a lot from you which is the reason most people tend to move or relocate to warmer, more exotic places and spend their remaining retirement days in peace. As we picked up Spain tends to be one of the top destinations for the retirees and this article today will tell you why.
If you are nearing the end of your working career or if you have ended it, and if you plan on retiring to Spain, this article is right for you!
1. Quality healthcare system

It is a weird thing to start but Spain boasts its healthcare system which should be seen as an important factor if you are a retiree and if you plan to move here. People who have retired and moved to Spain make up around 14% of the country’s population so there must be something that they know and that you need to utilize. Just to make clear this 14% is just retirees from all nationalities that moved to Spain in recent years.
2. Transportation
In some researches, Spain has some of the ideal transport links, and they maintain it well. This is because Spain is a tourist country and that tourists tend to use public transport a lot. This is neat for you as well since you will utilize your free time more and sightsee around the country.
3. Culture

Spain has probably one of the most unique cultures. Next to Countries like Italy, Greece, Egypt it has a lot to offer. From art, construction, food to everything that falls in between. You will never have a dull day in life while in Spain. The countryside is awesome as well with a lot of vineyards and different farm animals and plantations.
4. Affordable to live
This is something that many will debate about, but when you look at other countries like Spain, they probably have the most affordable living expenses out there. It is not normal to expect that big cities, where a lot of tourists comes through, will be that affordable, but you wouldn’t want to be in those loud towns/areas anyway. Most people tend to utilize big cities in a way that they buy a property outside the busy tourist streets, where it is a lot cheaper, and still enjoy everything that the city has to offer.
5. The country

The last, but not the least thing on this list is the position of the country itself. You will be treated to Spain mainland and Spain’s beach life to choose from. Whatever you do pick out you will not make a mistake. Spain is versatile in many ways and this is one of them. You can opt to live somewhere in mainland Spain and visit beaches as much as you want or do it vice versa and locate yourself on a busy beach and go to rest your mind in the countryside a few times a year. It all comes down to you!